Introduction: 198 words
New Granada and all characters featured in the novel are fictional, though they hail from real countries. In particular, many of the characters are Russian and their names follow Russian naming structures of Christian name followed by a patronymic and only then the surname - the literal English translation of Kirill Yevgenyevich would be "Cyril son of Eugene". Addressing someone by their name and patronymic is a semi-formal mode used between co-workers or social acquaintances. Familiar forms and pet names are formed by adding -sha, -ka or -shka to the root of the name - thus Anton turns, according to degrees of familiarity, into Antosha, Tosha and Toshka.
Many of the characters also hail from ages earlier than the one of Internet. Accordingly, their language and opinions may belong in a different era, so if this is taken under consideration together with the fact that vampire morals in particular do not correspond to modern human ones, some ideas presented here may offend the sensitive reader. Rest assured that they are in the most part the opinions and ideas of the characters, and not the author whose head said characters inhabit.
So, gentle reader. What are you waiting for?
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